Hello world

This is my very first blog post ever so I shall introduce myself.
I'm a 25 year old wife of 3.5years, Stay-at-home Mother of an almost 1y.o. I'm a wannabe environmentalist (I try)
I love travelling, walking, hanging out with my family & dog, craft, food, movies, my TV shows (on DVD), stationary, paper, my Christian walk, beautiful things & designs (obviously not in that order!)

I'm still learning how to organize my day/life with a bub & getting most out of life.
So I though I'd share my journey with you all.
I'm aspiring to be that woman who can balance it all (although this probably doesn't exist)I'm trying to cook more- I'm one of those lucky ones who has a fantastic husband who cooks. He's taught me some things but I need to learn more. I'm also trying to bake more, which I've always wanted to do (that and actually wear some of my nail polish one day :) you know all of those 'when I get organised this is the type of person I'll be' things- or is that just me?? )
My biggest goal though is to completely organise my home as I'm a hoarder & a messy person -so thats gonna change!

So enough blabbing- feel free to drop me an email @
thismumsworld@gmail.com if you want to share something from your world
I'll try and add something interesting on here one of these days!!



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